Case of the Month - July 2018
Patient underwent endoscopic transsphenoidal endonasal resection, with final diagnosis non-producing pituitary adenoma.
How to classify pituitary adenomas?
Picoadenoma <5mm
Microadenoma <1cm
Macroadenoma> 1cm
Giant adenoma> 4cms
Hormone producer (functional)
Growth hormone (acromegaly)
ACTH (Cushing's disease)
Non-hormone producer
Knops Classification (Lateral Cavernous Sinus Involvement)
G0 without sinus involvement
G1 adenoma of midline, intracarotid (relative to internal carotid artery)
G2 more than midline
G3 over lateral line of internal carotid artery
G4 fully encompasses the intracavernous internal carotid artery
1. Kunam VK, et al. Incomplete Cord Syndromes: Clinical and Imaging Review. Radiographics. 2018 Jul-Aug; 38 (4): 1201-1222. doi: 10.1148 / rg.2018170178.